quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

Batman The legend sketchcard

Espantalho oversized art card para o coleção Batman the legend,em breve postarei mais

Scarecrow oversized art collection card for the Batman legend will soon post more

quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012

The walking Dead comic book Set


Message to the Sketch Cards fans:I have with me Artists Proofs of the Walking Dead Comic Book
sketchcards set,from(http://www.cryptozoic.com/)
If you wan
A exclusive commissioned sketchcard,here`s the price:

Close Up:U$:50,00 (each character)- full collor without background

Half Body:U$:70,00 (each character)- full collor without background

Background(add U$:20,00 to final card price)

Plase contact me in matiasstreb@gmail.com,ASAP! It´s a VERY limited number and i can make this special prices
for a especific time.

Thanks to all,

Matias Streb

quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Artist Proof cards Marvel Gratest Heroes Avengers

Message to the Sketch Card fans: I have with me  Artist Proofs of the Marvel Universe sketchcards set, and all Marvel Greatest Heroes Avengers from SciFi Hobby (www.scifihobby.com) .

If you wan

a exclusive commissioned sketchcard, please, here's the prices:
>     Close up: U$: 40,00 (each character) - full color without background
>     Half body: U$: 60,00 (each character) - full color without background
>     Background (add U$:20,00 to final card price).

Please contact Me in matiasstreb@gmail.com ASAP! It's a limited number and I can make this special prices for a specific time.

Thanks to all,

Matias Streb

sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

voltando a atualizar

Voltando a atualizar meu blog,com uma sketch rapida do homem aranha,na proxima postagem vou começar a postar cards dos set marvel universe 2011(eu sei ja era pra ter postado)e do set dos avengers!!